May 11, 2013

Video Archives
Friday: Nightly News.The Benghazi Con Examined. Status of GMO's in Our Food. Who Profits When They Take our Children?

Description of video playing:

On the May 10, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News,Lee Ann Mcadoo Interviews Jeffrey Smith on the Dangers of GMO and his documentary on GMO "Genetic Roulette: the Gamble of Our Lives" available at

News Covered:

Top Ten Benghazi False Flag Facts
Congresswoman: Obama Gave Benghazi Stand Down Order
Top Ten Benghazi False Flag Facts
Jon Bowne Special Report on Benghazi

Government — Incompetent or Criminal?

America's Roads Have Been Turned Into a Revenue Generating Surveillance Grid
IRS Admits Harassing Patriot Groups
Captive Michelle Knight was removed from the missing persons database 15 months after abduction
Robert Steele on the business of child abduction
Desc: From highway robbery and surveillance on our roads and selective harassment by the IRS of political groups to the failure to find 3 abducted girls for over a decade, the question becomes is government criminal or just incompetent.
Media Watchdogs Don't Bark About Bank Fraud
ICAP - the Biggest Price Fixing Scandal Ever
Desc: Like the dog that didn't bark in Sherlock Holmes' case, the media has remained strangely silent on the largest financial scam of all time — ICAP. It involves $379 Trillion worth of fraud, 100 times the size of the entire Federal government, yet mainstream media has given it virtually no coverage.

Nightly News with Alex Jones

Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday

Show status: Off Air

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