June 06, 2013
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Wednesday: The Nightly News. Nowhere to Hide, Financial Scandals Draw Heat On Bilderberg Secrecy. Plus, Your Wi-Fi is watching you.
Description of video playing:
On The June 5, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Rob Dew speaks with Paul Revere Contestant
News Covered:
Financial Scandals Draw Heat On Bilderberg Secrecy.
Watford Mayor Takes Cameron to Task Over Bilderberg Security Cost.
Bilderberg Exposed: Evolution By Stealth: Objectives.
The Wi-Fi in your home can track your moves like Xbox Kinect.
EPA accused of singling out conservative groups, amid IRS scandal.
Are you Bradley Manning? High-profile Americans take to YouTube to back Nobel petition.
Nightly News with Alex Jones
Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday
Show status: Off Air
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