September 20, 2014
Video Archives
Friday: The Nightly News. FBI: Forty Amerivan ISIS Fighters In The United States.Evidence Scottish Voting Rigged. Plus, Your Children Belong To The State, Not Good Old American Values.
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On this September 19, 2014 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann Mcadoo Uncovers Proof Scottish Independence Vote Rigged? The head of Russia's election observation body has sensationally accused the British government in Westminster of rigging the Scottish Independence vote, while video surfaces that appears to confirm this assertion.Are 40 American ISIL Fighters Already in the U.S. 'being tracked' by FBI?
While we're repeatedly being told by DHS that ISIS is not a threat here in America, Democratic Rep Tim Bishop gave a different warning. ISIS is here.
Congress Votes to Arm Syrian Rebels
The president thanked Congress "for the speed and seriousness with which they approached this issue".
CPS Visits Mom Who DARES let Child Play Outside.
One mom has been visited by police and CPS on multiple occasion after her neighbor brought her son "safely home" after he had been playing outside alone for 10 minutes.
A new military-sponsored program aims to develop a tiny device that can be implanted in the body, where it will use electrical impulses to monitor the body's organs, healing these crucial parts when they become infected or injured.
Nightly News with Alex Jones
Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday
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Date: 09/19/2014
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Date: 09/18/2014
On this September 17th Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. 'House Approves Obama's Syria-Iraq Strategy" Congress poised to approve Obama’s Iraq-Syria military strategy amid skepticism. DOZENS OF CHILDREN DEAD AFTER UN GIVES TAINTED VACCINE IN “REBEL” HELD SYRIA. FBI Investigates: Teen In A Coma After Cop Deploys Taser During Routine Traffic Stop. Student’s ‘Virginity Rocks’ t-shirt banned from Arkansas middle school. Bloomberg receives French Award for supporting the ideals of liberty. - Watch now
Date: 09/17/2014
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Date: 09/16/2014
On this Monday September 15, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson reveals Obama admits ISIS beheading videos help White House Agenda. RAND PAUL: ARMING SYRIAN REBELS WILL EMPOWER ISIS "Five years ago ISIS wasn't a threat". U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT ORDERS 160,000 EBOLA HAZMAT SUITS. New ID system causes week of outages for background check system. Yahoo Wants To Scan User Emails To Figure Out Which Apps To Recommend. School to fingerprint students to ‘monitor their diets’. Vermont schools ban brownies: ‘The kids like kale here’. Plus Lee Ann McAdoo reports on the sale of memorabilia from a horrific tragedy to justify the trendy disconnect prevalent in today's society. - Watch now