October 11, 2014
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Friday: The Infowars Nightly News. CDC Disappearing potential ebola victims. Plus, Obama contradicts CDC.
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On The October 10, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, CDC Disappearing potential ebola victims. Ebola could spread through open border. “Those people are disappearing, we don’t know what they have, where they’re going, where they’re taking them – surely they’re being quarantined somewhere we just don’t know where and even the agents don’t know what the diagnosis is of these illnesses.” Obama contradicts CDC. Man pulled off plane for making ebola joke. Expect confrontation in Ferguson, Missouri over the weekend. Rand Paul Visits Ferguson Ahead of Fresh Protests.
Nightly News with Alex Jones
Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday
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Date: 10/10/2014
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Date: 10/09/2014
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Date: 10/08/2014
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Date: 10/07/2014
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