May 20, 2013
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Monday: The Alex Jones Show. The NDAA in Action? Feds Disapear Adam Kokesh. Breaking Info from a Chemtrail Specialist. Joel Skousen on World Affairs.
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On this Monday, May 20 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest developments on the abduction of activist and prominent alternative media figure Adam Kokesh over the weekend. The arrest comes after Kokesh announced he plans an open carry march in Washington, D.C. on July 4th. Alex talks with Lucas Jewell, Kokesh's business manager, about the arrest and its political implications. Alex also talks with Kristen Meghan, a whistleblower and former industrial hygienist and environmental specialist who worked for the Veterans Administration. Meghan covers the rights of veterans, geoengineering and chemtrails with Alex. Joel Skousen, author, consultant and editor of World Affairs Brief, will be in-studio on today's worldwide broadcast.
The Alex Jones Show
Watch Alex's live TV/Radio broadcast. Monday through Friday from 11 AM to 2 PM CST and Sundays from 4 PM to 6 PM CST
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