July 17, 2013

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Wednesday: The Alex Jones Show. The Hypocrisy Of Our Illegitimate Government With Storyleak.com Writer Anthony Gucciardi. Plus, Secrets From The Bohemian Grove With Author Mike Hanson.

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On the Wednesday, July 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage of the political fallout in the wake of the George Zimmerman trial as the Justice Department mulls a second trial and the corporate media and academia exploit the race card to build a new case and fan the flames of division in America. Alex also covers the latest on the Michael Hastings murder and the desperate effort to cover up evidence that he was assassinated. On today's show, Alex talks with Anthony Gucciardi in-studio. Anthony talks about his article, Report: GMO Activists and Independent Scientists Targeted by US Military. Alex also talks with author and activist Mike Hanson in-studio. Mike is the author of Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy, a book covering his infiltration with Alex Jones into Bohemian Grove. Mike's book is available at the Infowars Store.

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