July 25, 2013
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Thursday: The Alex Jones Show. Mancow On The Fleecing Of The American Sheeple. Plus, Russia Fumes As NATO Conducts The Largest Military Exercises Since The Cold War.
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On the Thursday, July 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex analyzes the meaning behind NATO's largest military exercises since the Cold War, centered around a “foreign invasion” of Poland. Alex also breaks down neo-con Lindsey Graham's promise to introduce legislation calling for a military attack on Iran, and new video evidence showing the ease by which modern vehicles can be remotely manipulated, adding fuel to theories surrounding journalist Michael Hastings' suspicious death. On today's show, Alex welcomes American radio and television personality Mancow Muller of Chicago station WPWR to discuss the multiple distractions keeping Americans from pursuing justice for the constitutional infractions committed on a routine basis. Alex also welcomes former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper to flesh out the militarization of America's police forces and why he believes people incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses should be released from jail.
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