October 20, 2013
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Sunday: The Alex Jones Show. Alex Jones Rallies At The Alamo With Gun Owners For Open Carry.
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On the Sunday, October 20 broadcast of Infowars Live, Alex will look at the aftermath of Saturday's historic armed march at the Alamo, and the mass awakening that's taking place across the country as more people become aware of the imminent threats to gun rights and self defense. Alex also examines the battles over Obamacare, as the website struggles to stay afloat amid glaring detrimental glitches, and attempts to take down Ted Cruz for daring to stand up to the healthcare-at-gunpoint scam. On today's show, Alex also discusses developments in blogger and engineer Jon Corbett's lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the TSA's grope downs and nude body scanners. Tune in from 4pm to 6pm Central, or see it live at infowars.com/show.
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