January 07, 2014
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Tuesday: The Alex Jones Show. Fukushima Radiation Dangers On The Rise. Plus, The Federal Reserve Is An Organized Criminal Mafia.
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On this Tuesday, January 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage of the Fukushima radioactive ocean plume making its way toward the West coast of the United States. Officialdom in California remains perplexed by an increase of radiation and has downplayed its significance. Alex also takes a look at a call from the corporatist media for Obama to dispense with Congress, the Constitution and the American people and demand he instead rule by decree like a Roman autocrat. On today's show, Alex talks with Dr. Christopher Busby, a director of Green Audit Limited and a visiting professor at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Ulster. Dr. Busby talks about the growing threat of Fukushima radiation. Alex also welcomes back to the program William F.Jasper, a researcher, author and editor of The New American. Jasper talks about transatlantic convergence and the under the radar threat of a globalist contrived Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Infowars Nightly News reporter Lee Ann McAdoo files a report from outside the Austin, Texas city council where anti-fluoride activists are holding a hunger strike.
The Alex Jones Show
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