July 15, 2014
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Tuesday: The Alex Jones Show. U.S. Govt. Editing Wikipedia to Smear Independent Media Personalities? Plus, Militarized Homeland Security Invasion of Town Was Over Downloading of Indecent Images.
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On the Tuesday, July 15 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down CNBC commentator Rick Santelli's latest rant slamming the Federal Reserve's QE schemes as detrimental to Americans. Jones also looks at evidence suggesting the US government manipulated his Wikipedia entry to smear him as a "Kremlin disinformation agent," and continues examining the border crisis and the heated conflict between Israel and Gaza. On today's show, author, investigative journalist and former NSA technician Wayne Madsen joins Alex to discuss the latest revelations in the Edward Snowden saga and how the NSA plans to achieve total population control, as whistleblower William Binney recently noted. Alex also invites geopolitical analyst and Syrian activist Mimi Al-Laham, AKA Syrian Girl, to talk about the ISIS agenda and how the west is using the terror group in a divide and conquer, order out of chaos fashion. We'll also speak with Infowars reporter SSG Joe Biggs about Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl's new lucrative assignment, and take your calls on this global transmission.
The Alex Jones Show
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