August 08, 2014
Video Archives
Thursday: The Nightly News. Skeletons From The Closet Of LBJ, Jackie Kennedy, and The CIA Released.
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Wars, Pestilence, Panic And How You Can Prepare To Survive
War is the lifeblood of the state and a desperate administration is reviving the Cold War and starting both trade wars and proxy wars as they violate health protocols to bring in Ebola patients. What should you do to prepare?
Just a couple of days after the 50th anniversary of the Gulf of Tonkin, the false flag event used to start the Vietnam War and 8 months after the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination, Jackie Kennedy’s taped interviews are being released. As you will hear from her taped phone conversation with LBJ, he shamelessly flirted with her in what sounds like intimidation and sexual harassment. And she was afraid for herself and her children. She wanted her comments held for 50 years after her death. Now they are being released, 30 years earlier than she wished, revealing that she believed LBJ was behind the assassination.
And at one time Muammar Gaddafi was Reagan’s Osama Bin Laden — terrorist public enemy number one. But he eventually became the CIA’s ally. So much so, that the CIA and British Intelligence kidnapped Gaddafi’s enemy and his children and “renedered” them to the Libyan leader — that a few years later Obama destroyed with an illegal war, then used Benghazi to arm Syrian rebels and create ISIS.
CIA’s Company Man Wants Computer Viruses Treated the Way the CDC Treats Real Viruses
Maybe there are more parallels to the way the CDC’s relationship with viruses than the head of In-Q-Tel would like to admit. Aaron Swartz pointed out that the Feds funded and created most computer viruses. Now the CIA would like mandatory reporting for computer viruses and have the CIA “buy vulnerabilities” to “share” them with the public.
Nightly News with Alex Jones
Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday
Show status: Off Air
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