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The city cites safety concerns but riders want the option.
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Date: 03/10/2016
Printable gun pioneer Cody Wilson takes us through his shop to demonstrate how firearm components can be manufactured in your home. - Watch now
Date: 03/10/2016
New Year's day, Texas became the 45th state to allow concealed-carry permit holders to openly carry their firearms. Governor Abbot has made it clear to President Obama where he stands on gun control, but what do citizens of an open-carry state really think? You might be surprised. - Watch now
Date: 03/10/2016
Obama’s dictatorial national policy strategy is forming into what can only be described as a global government coordinated subterfuge of the language of the Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Of course this is only the beginning of the Propaganda on parade. Heres a reminder, a little known decades old anti propaganda law known as the smith-mundt act was silently deep sixed on July 2nd of 2013. Essentially, unlimited government propaganda can now be unleashed to control the seething grievances of the American people. - Watch now
Date: 03/10/2016
According to the hypocrisy playing out in the well connected avenues of Hollywood and the greased palms inhabiting the Shady backrooms of Washington D.C. Being a serial rapist isn’t a crime. Not if your first name is Bill and not if it ends with Cosby or Clinton. Of course for the average rapist, take one Daniel Hoytzclaw for instance, Hoytzclaw faces 263 years behind bars as he should. For 18 counts of raping women ranging in age of 17 to 57 while serving as an Oklahoma police Officer. Is there any difference in the allegations attached to Cosby and Clinton, beyond the statute of limitations? - Watch now