October 27, 2017
Video Archives
Friday: War Room with Owen Shroyer. Shock Revelation: Government Lied about JFK Assassination
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Friday, October 27th: An action packed War Room today full of guests and great discussion. Loaded guests ranging from experts on the JFK assassination to people who have experienced first hand false flags being propagated by Twitter trolls. Owen Shroyer continues to wage his defense against the attack on men and the lie that American culture is just as sick as that in Hollywood. The truth is out there, find it on the War Room.
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Date: 10/27/2017
Friday, October 27th: A stunning revelation as Gerald Celente recounts his discussion with Gov Connally just before he died. It was the first time the governor had returned to scene of the assassination in about 30 yrs. And, JFK files “released”. Some new revelations but the most important revelation is thatTrump pulled back from releasing information that the CIA & FBI told him not to release. Then, Politically Costumed: if you want to trigger them, here’s what you can wear. - Watch now
Date: 10/27/2017
Friday, October 27th: Catalonia Goes 1776 - Catalonia has declared independence from Spain only weeks after Spanish police brutally attacked peaceful voters holding a referendum. Also, the Deep State is doing everything it can to hide evidence of the JFK assassination, although some of the new documents released to the public confirm the conspiracy to kill the president. We also analyze the expansion of the economy and where things could still go wrong. And, as always, we take your calls, so tune in! - Watch now
Date: 10/26/2017
Thursday, October 26th: On the day the JFK files were set to be released, we get a change of story, as the intrigue surrounding the secrecy of the files grows amid new reports that they will not be released anymore. The War Room is joined by Tyler Nixon to break it all down. We also look at the crimes Hillary Clinton is guilty of on her birthday, as well as the most egregious attack against white men we have seen in a while. - Watch now
Date: 10/26/2017
Thursday, October 26th: Hillary’s 70th is NOT a happy birthday. A Soros group has filed a complaint against her with the Fed Elections Commission and Trump’s DOJ has removed the gag order on the Uranium One whistleblower. Meanwhile, the sands of the hourglass may be running out on the PetroDollar and more lies emerge from Vegas shooting. - Watch now