December 11, 2017
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Monday: The Alex Jones Show. ISIS Bomb Malfunctions In New York / Armed ANTIFA Storm Austin
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Monday, December 11th, 2017: Terror Attack in New York - A Bangladeshi national's ISIS-inspired attack on the Times Square subway station is botched, as the explosive detonates prematurely. We'll also look at the Alabama senate election set to take place Tuesday, where Democrat contender Doug Jones takes on embattled Republican Roy Moore, who has received President Trump's support. On today's show, National Security whistleblower Sibel Edmonds continues to discuss the Gulen network's ties to anti-Trump politicians. An Amazon Whistleblower also joins the show to break down slave-like work conditions at the online retail giant. And Breitbart editor Terror Attack in New York - A Bangladeshi national's ISIS-inspired attack on the Times Square subway station is botched, as the explosive detonates prematurely. We'll also look at the Alabama senate election set to take place Tuesday, where Democrat contender Doug Jones takes on embattled Republican Roy Moore, who has received President Trump's support. On today's show, National Security whistleblower Sibel Edmonds continues to discuss the Gulen network's ties to anti-Trump politicians. An Amazon Whistleblower also joins the show to break down slave-like work conditions at the online retail giant. And Breitbart editor Aaron Klein explains why Trump moving the American embassy to Jerusalem represents a campaign promise kept and could bring about lasting peace.
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