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Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/05/2015
On this Monday, October 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we report on the lesbian bishop who wants to remove Christian crosses from churches to please incoming Muslim migrants. She also wants Christian churches to act more like public airports with prayer rooms made available to Muslims. And in other news, the globalists have agreed on the details on the Trans-Pacific Partnership which, if adopted by Congress, will allow corporate tribunals to overrule Congress and violate the national sovereignty of the United States. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/11/2015
On this Monday, May 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the latest ISIS terror tweets as the PATRIOT Act comes up for reauthorization. We also look into the CPS abduction of the children of a family that dared go off the grid and the lurid promotion of abortion on Mother’s Day by Planned Parenthood. On today’s worldwide broadcast, we talk with David Icke. Mr. Icke is a writer, public speaker and a former professional footballer and sports broadcaster. He is the author of numerous books, including The Perception Deception, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disasterand Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/06/2015
On this Friday, March 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the continued predatory behavior of the state as children abducted by CPS end up in the sex trade and parents are charged for allowing their kids to walk home from a playground. We also look at the latest outrage by the Islamic State as it targets more archeological treasures in Iraq and the growing movement against Common Core as students walk out in protest. On today’s broadcast we talk with activist and author Robert David Steele about a reform initiative that is starting to gain traction after a very successful presentation in Portland Oregon on Saturday. Steele, the author of OPEN POWER: Electoral Reform Act of 2015 - Open Source Activist Tool Kit, believes 2015 is the year we can break the back of the two-party tyranny and the wall street criminal network. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/19/2014
On this Wednesday, March 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest incident of sadomasochistic police behavior as an enforcer of state violence at a public high school in Beaumont, Texas, breaks a student's arm after he refused to immediately submit. Alex also covers the latest on Ukraine, threats to the power grid and the internet, banker deaths as a top economist calls for the financial elite to take a hit, and the latest on MH 370, the flight that disappeared. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with Dimitri Karras and Lindy Diaz of Ares Armor, the firearms part retailer in San Diego that managed a crucial victory when it obtained a restraining order against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Alex also talks with a Michigan couple, Maria Green and Steve Green, who endured child abduction when their infant was seized by the state because the couple are advocates of medical marijuana. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 01/15/2014
On The January 14, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts. News Covered: The Benghazi Transcripts: Top Defense officials briefed Obama on ‘attack,’ not video or protest. Kelly Thomas Verdict: Cops Now Have License to Murder. Arizona Reforms CPS after 6,500 cases of abuse go uninvestigated. Supreme Court hands Monsanto victory over farmers on GMO seed patents, ability to sue. Court Deals Blow to Anonymity and First Amendment. Record growth for privacy search engines in wake of NSA revelations. Disabled family loses healthcare - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 08/30/2013
Reading a hunting magazine in New York, may lead your doctor to consider you a threat. In a series of events, which amplify the fallacy of the "see something, say something," snitch program. Ulster County resident, Damir Juric's visit to the hospital destroyed his life. Think twice about reading gun magazines in New York, Big Brother is watching and if you are a veteran, Veterans Affairs doctors are purposely seeking you out to take your guns away, as noted in a recent interview with an unnamed VA psychiatrist in NY. They get a kickback of $3000 per veteran. If the veteran refuses to give gun back they get held in the psychiatric ward against their will. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 08/08/2013
On The August 7 broadcast of the Infowars Nightly News, Gigi Erneta interviews Film maker Shaymus Crow about his Operation Paul Revere Film Entry- Uncle Sam's Kids. News Covered: Homeland Security Criticized Over ‘Sexy’ Spy Ad. Obama: ‘We Don’t Have a Domestic Spying Program. The Cops Can Take Away Your Cash, Car, Or House — Even If You’re Never Convicted Of A Crime. Study: Mental illness, not combat, causes soldier suicides. Pennsylvanians ask feds to help disarm intimidating small-town militia. Egypt crisis enters tense new phase as mediation collapses. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 08/07/2013
Child sex trafficking is big business for some pimps who prey on children who feel abandoned by their parents and neglected by their state-appointed caregivers. Sometimes these child "protectors" are known sexual predators instead. Even worse, powerful authorities are often times running child trafficking rings leading investigations to a halt. Who's caring for the children? - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/06/2013
On the Tuesday, August 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down Time Magazine's push for couples to lead “childless lifestyles,” the CPS abduction of a Texas girl that led to her death and FEMA's startling preparations for disaster - involving unexplained demands for emergency bulk food deliveries. On today's show, Alex welcomes former Congressman, three-time presidential contender and bestselling author Ron Paul to discuss the military's drone strikes in Yemen and America's visibly apparent compliance to the all-encompassing NSA spy grid. We'll also speak with former Secret Service agent and New York police officer Daniel Bongino about the revolving White House scandals, including the recent overseas terror threat alerts and fallout from the bungled Benghazi coverup of weapons transfers to Al-Qaeda. Bongino is also running for election in Maryland's 6th Congressional District. Staff Sergeant Joseph Biggs also joins us to respond to new revelations in the Michael Hastings saga as the late journalist's wife makes an appearance on CNN's Piers Morgan. - Watch now