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Nightly News
Date: 07/18/2014
On this July 17, 2014 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts. News Covered: FAA warned airlines to avoid Crimea because of conflict. WHO SHOT DOWN THE MALAYSIAN AIRLINER? Ukraine president hails 'turning point' as troops capture pro-Russian rebel stronghold. Donetsk defence forces take control of army unit equipped with missile defense systems. Malaysia Airlines plane crash: Is this the deadly surface to air missile that 'shot down' passenger plane? STROBE TALBOTT BLAMES RUSSIA FOR SHOOTING DOWN COMMERCIAL AIRLINER. DEMOCRATS BLAME RUSSIA FOR PASSENGER PLANE SHOOT DOWN. Putin Should Pay if Malaysia Airlines Jet Was Shot Down, McCain Says. TWA FLIGHT 800 CRASH NOT DUE TO GAS TANK EXPLOSION, SAY FORMER INVESTIGATORS. Malaysia jet crashes in east Ukraine conflict zone. Israel Begins Ground Invasion of Gaza Strip. Population density of Gaza: Gaza City is being hit by missile strikes. U.S. ARMY BUYS NEARLY 600,000 SOVIET AK-47 MAGAZINES - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 04/04/2014
On The April 3, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts & We Interview Artist Pazero On The Power of Activism Through Art. News Covered: Army Admits Ft. Hood Shooter Given Psychiatric Drugs. Fort Hood Shooting: Time to Disarm the Entire U.S. Military? The ‘forgotten’ lobotomies on World War II vets. President's Budget Would Double Funding for BRAIN Initiative. Texas man testing open-carry law told he’s ‘free to go’ – then tasered and arrested. More Evidence U.S. Funds al-Qaeda Terrorists in Syria. Americans: Disengaged, feeling less respected, but still see U.S. as world’s military superpower. Obamacare Enforcement Like Snow Removal, IRS Chief Says. 9 Of The Top 10 Occupations In America Pay An Average Wage Of Less Than $35,000 A Year. More People Claiming They’ve Been Targeted For Their Colorado Plates. Ministry Of Truth: Crackdown Ordered On Climate Change Skeptics. American Constitutional History Professor: Crimea’s Secession from Ukraine is VALID. Italy Troops Crack Down on Secessionists Nationwide. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/03/2014
On this Thursday, April 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the factors behind the latest mass shooting in Ft. Hood, including the fact that the shooter was prescribed anti-depressant drugs and that the shooting occurred in a gun-free zone. Alex also discusses the latest in geopolitics, with former congressman and presidential contender Ron Paul joining today's show to explain how Congress's $1 billion aid package to Ukraine will impoverish Ukrainian citizens at the expense of American taxpayers. Also joining the broadcast is New York Law School professor Robert Blecker, an expert on constitutional law who reveals the history of secession in the U.S. and how it ties into the current situation in Crimea. You don't want to miss today's powerful broadcast! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/27/2014
On this powerful Thursday, March 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex gives an in-depth analysis on the continued collapse of the mainstream media and the American economy. A new Pew Research study reveals that MSNBC has lost another quarter of its viewers. The cable news channel has been an advent defender of President Obama and his almost countless scandals, so it's no surprise that MSNBC's declining viewership follows Obama's collapsing approval ratings. American broadcaster and film maker Max Keiser joins today's show to discuss not only the coming collapse of the monetary system but also how the CIA was aware of insider trading prior to 9/11. Alex also takes your calls to hear your take on these important topics and more! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/21/2014
On this Friday, March 21 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest act of citizen journalism as an activist interrupts a BBC live broadcast to warn of “institutional pedophile rings” operating in the United Kingdom. Other news on Alex's radar includes the prospect of the government assassinating protesters, as it planned to do during the its battle against the Occupy Wall Street movement, the fall of the middle class, and Al Sharpton's move to circumscribe and dominate “civil rights” following Rand Paul's defense of the Bill or Rights. On today’s broadcast, Alex talks with British MP, writer and activist George Galloway, renowned for his “colorful rhetoric and combative debating style.” Mr. Galloway talks about the crisis in Ukraine and the crimes of Ken Lay and Tony Blair. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 03/19/2014
On The March 19, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Jakari Jackson Hosts & We Speak With Victoria Montgomery of Open Carry Texas. News Covered: Soldier Killed in Crimea: Possible False Flag to Start War? Rand Paul “concerned about who is truly in charge of our government” Video: Kid Screams in Agony As Cop Snaps His Arm. Psychologists To Line Boston Marathon Route. Federal judge blasts ATF stings. 10 Ways True Feminism is Under Attack. Government Agency: If 9 Substations Are Destroyed, The Power Grid Could Be Down For 18 Months. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 03/18/2014
On The March 18, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & We Speak With Economic Forecaster Harry Dent, On The Dow at 6,000. News Covered: NSA surveillance records every phone call of an entire country. Private School Defends Strip-Searching Child, Says Constitutional Rights Do Not Apply. Professor wants to arrest climate deniars. Crimeas secession, was it legal? Pilot gives theory on plane disappearance. flight path changed. 12th banker suicide. Rash of finance pro suicides baffles experts. British Think Tank Predicts Financial Catastrophe for United States. Congresswoman: Obama admin rule change lets insurance companies keep more profits, pay less for care. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/18/2014
On the Tuesday, March 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones breaks down U.S. attempts to impose sanctions on Moscow over their so-called invasion of Ukraine, which Russia has responded to with much derision. Alex also examines which foreign power may step up to technically manage the Internet after the U.S. effectively gives up control, and the continuing move to demonize guns in California, as the BATF raids yet another gun manufacturer. On today's show, Alex welcomes the founder of economic forecasting firm Dent Research, Harry S. Dent, Jr. to discuss why he thinks the Dow Jones industrial average may spike at 17,000 then make a rapid descent to 6,000 by 2016. Mr. Dent forecasted the unanticipated boom of the 1990s in his 1992 book, The Great Boom Ahead, and his new book, The Demographic Cliff, explains his latest prediction. We'll also take your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 03/17/2014
On The March 17, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts & We Debut Elimination of Stress By Dr. Ed Group (part 4 of 5 mini series). News Covered: Pro-Russian Crimeans toast future with Moscow after vote. The EU’s Stunning Hypocrisy on Crimea. Ukraine Prepares for War After Crimea Vote. Russia vows to switch to other currencies over US sanctions threat. Dianne Feinstein wants YOUR drones regulated. Internet transition triggers GOP backlash. Ares Armor raided by ATF after restraining order overruled. US and EU: Making Europeans Suffer is a “Price Worth Paying” to Punish Russia Over Ukraine. TSA Polices St. Patrick’s Day Parade. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/17/2014
On this Monday, March 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex showcases how the globalists, who sit above nations, are playing countries off against each other in order to seize their infrastructure. TheUN is set to take control of the Internet after the U.S. Commerce Department released its grasp on ICANN, the Internet's domain name manager, setting the stage for worldwide web taxes and censorship. The EU in particular has already proposed Internet censorship under the guise of "protecting the children" and "fighting terrorism." Alex also covers the latest developments coming from Crimea as both NATO and Russia position their military assets for a coming showdown which could even result in a tactical nuclear war. Many analysts have stated that this situation is more dangerous than anything that has ever happened during the Cold War. You don't want to miss this important broadcast. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 03/14/2014
On The March 14, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & We Interview Internet Security Pioneer John McAfee. News Covered: Russia downs US drone. Ron Paul: Putin’s Crimea Invasion “Has Law On Its Side" US plans for Russian retaliation. European Union NGO Played Direct Role in Violent Coup in Ukraine. United Nations Attacks Second Amendment. Pentagon wants underwater drones. New lawsuit filed against USDA over GMO docs. New Iraqi Law Legalizes Rape, ‘Feminists’ Too Busy Banning Words to Care. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/07/2014
On this Thursday, March 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the continuing assault against the Second Amendment and the long cherished American principle that an individual has the right to own firearms and protest himself and his family. Alex looks at threats leveled against a Connecticut Second Amendment activist who was told by a source within the State Police in that state “there’s cops and politicians up here who want you dead.” Alex also takes a look at calls to abolish the IRS, teachers complaining about active shooter drills in Missouri, and the continuing expansion of the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with journalist Ben Swann, who won the Edward R. Murrow Award and the Lone Star Emmy Award. Mr. Swann worked at a number of corporate media news outlets, including Fox and NBC affiliates, before concentrating his talent on investigative journalism. - Watch now