April 03, 2014
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Thursday: The Alex Jones Show. Exclusive: Infowars Reporters Confront Ft. Hood General To Ask Real Questions. Plus, Constitutional Lawyer: Crimean Secession Constitutionally Viable.
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On this Thursday, April 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the factors behind the latest mass shooting in Ft. Hood, including the fact that the shooter was prescribed anti-depressant drugs and that the shooting occurred in a gun-free zone. Alex also discusses the latest in geopolitics, with former congressman and presidential contender Ron Paul joining today's show to explain how Congress's $1 billion aid package to Ukraine will impoverish Ukrainian citizens at the expense of American taxpayers. Also joining the broadcast is New York Law School professor Robert Blecker, an expert on constitutional law who reveals the history of secession in the U.S. and how it ties into the current situation in Crimea. You don't want to miss today's powerful broadcast!
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