August 01, 2014
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Hit Song From Border Patrol Is Propaganda Aimed At —Americans!
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Since it came out that the Central American hit song “La Bestia Norte” was produced and promoted by the US government, there’s been a debate about whether or not it’s propaganda. There are different shades of propaganda. We see that the darkest shade is reserved for the American people and comes from unexpected sources.
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Date: 08/01/2014
Preemptive sting operations have many suspects screaming entrapment. Not just the suspects, judges are saying that some crimes wouldn't have been committed if the officer or agent didn't coax the victim into doing it. - Watch now
Date: 08/01/2014
The federal government is building a 532-bed community for illegal aliens, which includes flat-screen TVs and workout facilities, and Alex breaks it all down on this Friday, August 1 edition of the Alex Jones Show. The feds say the rooms at the facility will be called "suites" and the illegals will be called "residents." Filmmaker Chris Burgard joins today's show to discuss this current border collapse, which he predicted in his 2007 film Border. Also joining the show is former Border Patrol agent Zach Taylor, who said the collapse is government-sponsored "asymmetrical warfare" against the American people during an interview for Burgard's upcoming documentary. - Watch now
Date: 08/02/2014
On this August 1, 2014 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & Special Guest, Brent Alexander, Joins us to discuss the connection between ID fraud and Illegal immigrants. News Covered: Power of the People--Americans Melt phone lines in DC. Obama Signs Executive Order to Detain Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses.’ Ebola Infected U.S. Aid Workers Due To Arrive At Emory University Hospital Atlanta. Ebola 2: here come the “global pandemic” promoters. Drill in NYC. US testing ebola vaccines. FBI/Police turn entire town into checkpoint. NZ school plans to tag students with microchip bracelets to reward good behavior. Massachusetts lawmakers pass bill tightening state gun laws. bloomberg anti-gun ad backfires. - Watch now
Date: 08/01/2014
On this July 31, 2014 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts. News Covered: Conservatives Battle GOP Leaders On Immigration. EXCLUSIVE - POLLING DATA SHOWS GOP VOTERS THINK REPUBLICANS STANDING TOUGH ON IMMIGRATION MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE. Some Illegal Immigrant Foster "Children" Are 22 Years Old. Feds Would Exercise Draconian Emergency Powers If Ebola Hits U.S. EU sanctions some of Russia's biggest banks, including #1 Sberbank. WIKILEAKS SAYS RUSSIA MAY TRADE SNOWDEN FOR BETTER RELATIONS WITH U.S. Russia tightens controls on blogosphere. Germany orders CIA station chief to leave over spying allegations. CIA admits to spying on Senate staffers. Hackers Can Control Your Phone Using a Tool That’s Already Built Into It. Palantir Acquires Social Analytics Specialist Poptip. Google Says It Has the Right to Notify Publishers of ‘Forgotten’ Requests. Doctor with Ebola shares treatment with N.C. missionary. - Watch now